Can you believe it? It’s already October. Before we know it, it will be January again and we’ll all be setting new intentions for the year ahead. But what about the resolutions you made at the beginning of 2017? What have you done with those? Are you exercising three days a week just like you […]
How does your state influence your choices?
You’re known for generating great ideas, learning quickly and coming up with solutions that work – except, you haven’t been on top of your game lately and you’re not sure what’s changed. The likely culprit is stress. In order to access a broader spectrum of your brain function, your body needs energy as a […]
Healthy Yoga Practice
It’s easy to be put off yoga when the majority of images we see on social media are of Instagram-filter-loving hipsters in their designer leggings, looking the picture of serenity as they balance on one finger. (Okay, so that’s only a slight exaggeration – but those poses can look just as impossible!) As great as […]
Accelerate your Learning Ability
Learning new things in life is an essential skill to progress in our work, sustain our lifestyle, and even keep ourselves young and agile. Tip #1 Learning a new skill is always sensitively dependent on getting the initial conditions right. Being in the right head space, having the right level of focus on the […]
Achieving high performance through leveraging technology insights
In our recent launch of Flowengine we had a number of questions come up around the types of technology we use to improve cognitive performance. An example of innovative uses of technology to improve how we use our brains comes from Versus. This technology can literally help you train the different brain regions and provide real […]
The Number One Asset In Your Business Today
Catapult Sports – Australian StartUp leading its field Globally
You will hear me beat the drum often about Australian Startups needing to become more relevant on a global basis. Well here is one that is not just relevant, but is leading its field globally and dominating in core markets such as the US. I listened to a podcast where Adil Shiffman the founder of […]
Flow Genome Project – Leading Peak Performance
I have come to know the Flow Genome team well and they are definitely at the fore front of Human Peak Performance. What I like most is how they bring leading research to explain how Peak Performance manifests in the body to create the state of Flow. Many people believe Flow states are reserved only for […]